#1 Warm Up: High Knees (20 reps, 10 each side) Place your feet hip width apart. Lift your right knee towards your chest then switch knees with a light hop. .
#2 Pilates (Hold for 10 Seconds) Lay on your back and lift your shoulders off the floor while placing your hands next to your hip. Lift your feet up and hold.
#3 Russian Twist (10 reps, 5 each side) Sit on the floor in a V position keeping your knees bent. Move your fists together in front of your belly, then move them together hip to hip.
#4 Windshield Wipers (10 reps, 5 each side) Lie on your back and stretch your arms in a 90 degree angle away from your body. Pull in your legs by making a 90 degree angle with your legs. Then rock them side to side like a windshield wiper.
#5 Single Leg Jack Knife (10 reps, 5 each side) Lie on your back and stretch your arms above your head. Then lift one leg up and reach your hands toward your foot at the same time. Slowly lower your body back down to the starting position then switch legs.
#6 Plank (20 seconds) Start on your toes and hands or elbows and keep your body straight like a board. Your feet can be hip width apart and your hands or elbows shoulder width. Hold this position.
#7 Flutter Kicks (20 seconds or 20 reps, 10 each side) Lie on your back and place your arms next to your body (straight). Lift both legs and keep them straight while moving them up and down the opposite way.
#8 Bicycle Crunch (10 reps, 5 each side) Lie on the floor and place your hand behind your head. Open up your elbows and move the left elbow towards the right knee while twisting your core. Lift the leg in a 90 degree angle towards your elbow. Move back into the starting position then switch sides.